March D.E.A.R.S. Meeting

The March D.E.A.R.S. Club Meeting and V.E. Test Session will take place on

Wednesday, March 8, 2017
V.E. Test Session begins at 5:00 pm
D.E.A.R.S. Club Meeting begins at 6:00 pm

V.E. Test Session will be held at 5 pm and is open to anyone who would like to obtain or upgrade their ham license. This includes all levels of licensing. You do not have to be a D.E.A.R.S Club member to attend the V.E. Test Session or the Club meeting. We invite everyone to attend.

We will be discussing the upcoming General Upgrade class which D.E.A.R.S. is offering the weekend of May 6th and 7th.  Come to the meeting for some details of the class including fun demos and a sample of the material which will be presented.  Class sign-ups will be taken after the meeting!!

The March meeting and V.E. Test session will be held in the Players Conference Room at Disney’s All Star Resort. Directions to the location are as follows:

Disney’s All Star Resort Cast Services Building
1601 West Buena Vista Drive
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Players Conference Room

Follow Buena Vista Drive through the light by McDonalds. Take your first right onto Showtime Drive (if you get to the Security Guard Shack, you have gone too far!). Stop at the security camera kiosk, push the button to alert security and show a photo ID (can be a drivers license) to the host or hostess via the security camera. Let them know you are there to attend the D.E.A.R.S. Club meeting. The gate to your right will open. You may park in any of the visitor (or open) parking spaces.

Enter the Cast Services Building through the covered entrance and double glass doors. Turn left and follow the hallway to the end and turn left again. The Players Conference room is on the right.

We will be monitoring the 147.300 pl103 repeater and the 442.000 D-Star repeater. If you have made it to the McDonalds at All Star and are having trouble finding us, just give a call on 146.52 simplex.

The “Chat and Chew” will be at the McDonalds located prior to the All Star entrance. Someone usually arrives between 4 and 4:30 pm.

Come check out the General upgrade class and sign up to get on the HF bands!

Kathy Blake

February D.E.A.R.S. “Fun” Net

Mickey is ready for the February Net!! Are you?? We certainly hope so!!

This month’s net will take place tomorrow evening – Wednesday, February 22 at 7 pm. The amazing Bruce Keller (K4BAK) will once again take charge as Net Control!! Bruce is the one who has made our net well-known as the “Fun” Net. Thanks, Bruce.

Please join us from all over the world and check in with Bruce (Net Control). Everyone is welcome to check in and share any traffic or announcements with us.

As indicated, we will begin promptly at 7 pm Eastern Time. You will find us on frequency 147.300 PL 103.5.

I want to hear a net full of participants so please settle back with your cup of coffee in your fabulous D.E.A.R.S. coffee mug (left handed or right handed) and let us know you are listening. We love to share our net with all hams no matter where you may be located. This is a way to ensure we are being heard and our repeater is working properly and ready to be used in case of an emergency situation.

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to be a part of the “Fun” Net!!

Kathy K4WDW

February D.E.A.R.S. Meeting

You won’t want to miss the Exciting February D.E.A.R.S Club Meeting!

Tom Gallagher, ARRL Chief Executive Officer (NY2RF) has graciously agreed to be our guest speaker for this meeting just prior to HamCation weekend.

We invite anyone who would like to hear Tom share his vision for amateur radio to attend this meeting. Please be our guest even if you are not a member of D.E.A.R.S. We welcome all ham radio operators or anyone interested in ham radio to attend. Even if you are a member of a different radio club or just visiting the Orlando area, please join us.

This important meeting will take place at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, February 8.

There will be a V.E. Test Session at 5:00 pm prior to the meeting and is open to anyone who would like to obtain or upgrade their ham license. This includes all levels of licensing. As stated previously, you do not have to be a D.E.A.R.S Club member to attend the V.E. Test Session or the Club meeting. We invite everyone to attend.

The February meeting and V.E. Test session will be held in the Players Conference Room at Disney’s All Star Resort. Directions to the location are as follows:

Disney’s All Star Resort Cast Services Building
1601 West Buena Vista Drive
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Players Conference Room


Follow Buena Vista Drive through the light by McDonalds. Take your first right onto Showtime Drive (if you get to the Security Guard Shack, you have gone too far!). Stop at the security camera kiosk, push the button to alert security and show a photo ID (can be a drivers license) to the host or hostess via the security camera. Let them know you are there to attend the D.E.A.R.S. Club meeting. The gate to your right will open. You may park in any of the visitor (or open) parking spaces.

Enter the Cast Services Building through the covered entrance and double glass doors. Turn left and follow the hallway to the end and turn left again. The Players Conference room is on the right.

We will be monitoring the 147.300 pl103 repeater and the 442.000 D-Star repeater. If you have made it to the McDonalds at All Star and are having trouble finding us, just give a call on 146.52 simplex.

The “Chat and Chew” will take place at the McDonald’s located by Disney’s All Star Resort entrance. Club members usually begin arriving around 4:00 – 4:15 pm.

Let’s show Tom our support for his efforts with the ARRL by providing him a large audience. He will be offering a Q&A period following his presentation. This is your opportunity to find out the answers to all those questions you have always wanted to ask!!

I hope to see you all there!!

Kathy Blake


January D.E.A.R.S. Meeting

The first D.E.A.R.S Club Meeting of 2017 will take place on Wednesday, January 4 at 6:00 pm. This is the perfect way to start your New Year!!

The V.E. Test Session will take place at 5:00 pm prior to the meeting and is open to anyone who would like to obtain or upgrade their ham license. This includes all levels of licensing. You do not have to be a D.E.A.R.S Club member to attend the V.E. Test Session or the Club meeting. We invite everyone to attend.

We have moved the meeting this month only to the 1st Wednesday of January because we have a very special guest speaker!! Ray Novak (N9JA), Senior Sales Manager for ICOM, is visiting Walt Disney World and has agreed to speak to our Club members. We invite anyone who is interested in hearing Ray to attend this meeting even if you are not a D.E.A.R.S. Club member.

We want to thank Ray’s family for allowing him to take some time out from their vacation to afford us this fantastic opportunity. We really appreciate you!!

The January meeting and V.E. Test session will be held in the Players Conference Room at Disney’s All Star Resort. Directions to the location are as follows:

Disney’s All Star Resort Cast Services Building
1601 West Buena Vista Drive
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Players Conference Room

Follow Buena Vista Drive through the light by McDonalds. Take your first right onto Showtime Drive (if you get to the Security Guard Shack, you have gone too far!). Stop at the security camera kiosk, push the button to alert security and show a photo ID (can be a drivers license) to the host or hostess via the security camera. Let them know you are there to attend the D.E.A.R.S. Club meeting. The gate to your right will open. You may park in any of the visitor (or open) parking spaces.

Enter the Cast Services Building through the covered entrance and double glass doors. Turn left and follow the hallway to the end and turn left again. The Players Conference room is on the right.

We will be monitoring the 147.300 pl103 repeater and the 442.000 D-Star repeater. If you have made it to the McDonalds at All Star and are having trouble finding us, just give a call on 146.52 simplex.

The “Chat and Chew” will take place at the McDonald’s located by Disney’s All Star Resort entrance. Club members usually begin arriving around 4:00 – 4:15 pm.

Let’s show Ray how much we appreciate him taking valuable time from his family vacation to visit our Club!! I anticipate a super large crowd!!

Kathy Blake




December D.E.A.R.S Net

December D.E.A.R.S. Net

by k4wdw


Christmas is over and Mickey is ready for the December D.E.A.R.S. Net!! That’s right!! It is once again time to make our presence known on the radio airwaves and check into the monthly D.E.A.R.S. Net!!

This month’s net will take place on Wednesday, December 28 at 7 pm. The illustrious Bruce Keller (K4BAK) will once again take charge as Net Control!! It is always such a pleasure to listen to Bruce as he is such a phenomenal asset to our D.E.A.R.S. Club.

Please join us from all over the world and check in with Bruce (Net Control) during this last D.E.A.R.S. Net of the year 2016.

As indicated, we will begin promptly at 7 pm Eastern Time. You will find us on frequency 147.300 PL 103.5.

We invite anyone and everyone to join us and check in with your name, amateur radio call sign and share any traffic you may have for us.

Let’s end the year 2016 with a plethora of check-ins and let everyone know we are available for any type of emergency situation to provide communications through amateur radio and the D.E.A.R.S. Club.

I am anticipating a large check-in this month as we all recuperate from our feasts of food and gifts and look forward to a bright New Year ahead.

Don’t miss out on this amazing experience!!

Kathy K4WDW

D.E.A.R.S. December Meeting & Christmas Event


Hear Ye!! Hear Ye!!

The D.E.A.R.S December Club Meeting and Christmas Event will take place on Wednesday, December 14 at 6:00 pm.

The V.E. Test Session will take place at 5:00 pm prior to the meeting and is open to anyone who would like to obtain or upgrade their ham license. This includes all levels of licensing. You do not have to be a D.E.A.R.S Club member to attend the V.E. Test Session or the Club meeting. We invite everyone to attend.

Our guest speaker will be Lynn Deffenbaugh KJ4ERJ whose presentation will be about APRS. Lynn is an expert in this field and I am positive will prove to be both interesting and informative.

We will have a scrumptious dinner at this meeting so please bring your appetite. There will be no charge for the meal. Larry, Rebekah and I will be cooking up a feast to make your mouth water!! Our Board members have agreed to bring some beverages.

The location will remain the same as it has been for the past several months.

The December meeting and V.E. Test session will be held in the Players Conference Room at Disney’s All Star Resort. Directions to the location are as follows:

Disney’s All Star Resort Cast Services Building
1601 West Buena Vista Drive
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Players Conference Room

Follow Buena Vista Drive through the light by McDonalds. Take your first right onto Showtime Drive (if you get to the Security Guard Shack, you have gone too far!). Stop at the security camera kiosk, push the button to alert security and show a photo ID (can be a drivers license) to the host or hostess via the security camera. Let them know you are there to attend the D.E.A.R.S. Club meeting. The gate to your right will open. You may park in any of the visitor (or open) parking spaces.

Enter the Cast Services Building through the covered entrance and double glass doors. Turn left and follow the hallway to the end and turn left again. The Players Conference room is on the right.

We will be monitoring the 147.300 pl103 repeater and the 442.000 D-Star repeater. If you have made it to the McDonalds at All Star and are having trouble finding us, just give a call on 146.52 simplex.

The “Chat and Chew” will not take place this month since we will be having a meal at our meeting. However, if you would like to arrive early and assist with setup at the conference room, your help will be greatly appreciated.

I hope to see you all there with a smile on your face and a desire to learn, eat and have fun!!

Kathy Blake


D.E.A.R.S. November Club Meeting

The November D.E.A.R.S. Club Meeting and V.E. Test Session will take place on

Wednesday, November 9, 2016
V.E. Test Session begins at 5:00 pm
D.E.A.R.S. Club Meeting begins at 6:00 pm

V.E. Test Session will be held at 5 pm and is open to anyone who would like to obtain or upgrade their ham license. This includes all levels of licensing. You do not have to be a D.E.A.R.S Club member to attend the V.E. Test Session or the Club meeting. We invite everyone to attend.

We have a couple of fantastic guest speakers scheduled for this meeting. Zechariah Lea WX4TVJ and Faith Hannah Lea WA4BBC, two very young ham operators will have a presentation on Antennas. This is a remarkable family of ham operators and I know you will not want to miss this meeting!! So be there!!

The November meeting and V.E. Test session will be held in the Players Conference Room at Disney’s All Star Resort. Directions to the location are as follows:

Disney’s All Star Resort Cast Services Building
1601 West Buena Vista Drive
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Players Conference Room

Follow Buena Vista Drive through the light by McDonalds. Take your first right onto Showtime Drive (if you get to the Security Guard Shack, you have gone too far!). Stop at the security camera kiosk, push the button to alert security and show a photo ID (can be a drivers license) to the host or hostess via the security camera. Let them know you are there to attend the D.E.A.R.S. Club meeting. The gate to your right will open. You may park in any of the visitor (or open) parking spaces.

Enter the Cast Services Building through the covered entrance and double glass doors. Turn left and follow the hallway to the end and turn left again. The Players Conference room is on the right.

We will be monitoring the 147.300 pl103 repeater and the 442.000 D-Star repeater. If you have made it to the McDonalds at All Star and are having trouble finding us, just give a call on 146.52 simplex.

The “Chat and Chew” will be at the McDonalds located prior to the All Star entrance. Someone usually arrives between 4 and 4:30 pm.

Please come and show your support for these young ham operators!! I hope to see you all there!!

Kathy Blake

DEARS Net 10/26/16 147.300+ 103.5pl

Yes, it is once again time for the monthly D.E.A.R.S. Net. This prestigious monthly event will take place on Wednesday, October 26 at 7 pm.

Please join Net Control and the amazing Bruce Keller (K4BAK) who so wondrously runs our Net. Please do not just listen – check in and say hello. We would love to have ham radio operators from everywhere give us your call sign and let us know you are a part of our monthly Net.

That’s Wednesday, October 26. Be There!!

We will begin at 7 pm EDT on frequency 147.300 PL 103.5.

I will not be able to join the Net this month as I will be on the Disney Dream sailing to the Bahamas and Castaway Cay. I will, however, be thinking about all of you and anticipating a report of a multitude of check-ins to support the Net.

Our next D.E.A.R.S. Event will take place on Sunday, November 6. We will be a part of Florida Hospital’s Cycle the City ride to fight childhood cancers. This is an inspiring ride to provide children a fighting chance to beat cancer through the Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Program at Florida Hospital for Children.

We will be taking the D.E.A.R.S. van and providing communications for this event. Our assigned location is Rest Stop 4:

Gilbert Park Mt. Dora, 310 South Tremain St., Mt. Dora, FL 32757

This is the Intersection of South Tremain Street and Liberty Avenue – Located across from the Marina.

Our start time is 8:00 am and we should end at approximately 1:00 pm although anyone who has previously worked this event knows we could be there later depending on when the last cyclist arrives at our Rest Stop.

Please come out if possible and support this worthy cause with us. This will also count toward VoluntEAR hours for Disney cast members.

I hope to see a lot of D.E.A.R.S. Club Members there!!

Kathy K4WDW